ALUEUROPA, S.A. is a family company dedicated to the extrusion and lacquering of aluminum profiles.

In our constant search to improve our services, Alueuropa has a careful production process that guarantees the quality of its products at all times. Proof of this are our ISO 9001, QUALICOAT and CE certifications that guarantee the quality of our industrial brand.

Over the past 25 years, Alueuropa has worked to achieve sustainable and responsible business development and practices, a true reflection of our corporate values.

As an example of this principle of sustainable development, Alueuropa's certifications always guarantee respect for the environment.

Quality Policy

Alueuropa S.A.

ALUEUROPA, S.A. is a family company dedicated to the extrusion and lacquering of aluminum profiles.
Our work is based on professionalism, service and attention to each person.

For a company like ALUEUROPA, S.A. to be able to provide the service requested by the market, it is necessary that the idea of Quality is present in all the activities and decisions of the organization and that all its staff assumes that:


For this, the policy adopted by ALUEUROPA, S.A., is to work under a Quality System based on the ISO 9001 standard, documented and verified regularly for its adequacy and effectiveness.
ALL PERSONNEL INVOLVED in the manufacture of aluminum profiles is required to comply with all that is established in the basic documentation in the Quality System: QUALITY MANUAL, MANUFACTURING PROCEDURES AND CONTROLS, TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS, etc..

The general objectives of the Quality System to be implemented are as follows:

- To ensure that the products manufactured by ALUEUROPA, S.A. satisfy the requirements
established, both CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS and the applicable legal and regulatory requirements
, and to develop new working methods adapted to the current regulations.
- To prevent the occurrence of problems caused by non-compliance with the requirements, as well as the use of defective products or documents.
- To create a Quality framework in the manufacture of aluminum profiles with a DEMANDING DEGREE OF
QUALITY, that satisfies our customers.
- To achieve the ELIMINATION OF ERRORS IN THE WORKS, developing an effective process of control of the nonconformities - when they appear - that prevents their transfer to the customer.
- To fulfill the foreseen delivery terms.
- To carry out a PERMANENT FOLLOW-UP of the results obtained through the Quality Management.

This monitoring is the basis for achieving the CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, for which the Manager is committed to provide all the necessary resources.

In order to achieve Quality, it is essential to MOTIVATE AND TRAIN STAFF in their professional development and to strengthen their teamwork attitude, giving them the necessary responsibilities and authority.

These general objectives are specified in quantifiable objectives, whose fulfillment reaches the entire
staff of ALUEUROPA, S.A. The Management of ALUEUROPA, S.A. is convinced that this path will serve to increase the Quality Culture in all the staff of the company.