Curiosidades sobre la Fundición de Aluminio: El Proceso y el Reciclado
Thursday, 28 September 2023
Introducción La fundición de aluminio es un proceso de fabricación que ha revolucionado la industria. El aluminio, debido a su versatilidad y propiedades únicas, es fundamental en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones. Pero, ¿alguna vez te has preguntado cómo se realiza este proceso y cómo se recicla el aluminio? El Proceso de Fundición La fundición
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COMUNICADO OFICIAL: “Retazos de un viaje sin fin”
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
COMUNICADO OFICIAL DE ALUEUROPA SA Desde la dirección de ALUEUROPA SA, nos permitimos informar sobre la reciente publicación de una obra literaria de relevancia, escrita por nuestro presidente, el Sr. Miguel Ángel Colino, titulada: “Retazos de un viaje sin fin”. Este libro, redactado por el propio Sr. Colino destaca, se erige como un testimonio introspectivo
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La UE Amplía sus Objetivos y Añade el Aluminio a Materias Primas Estratégicas para Impulsar la Minería y el Reciclaje hacia un Futuro Sostenible
Tuesday, 04 July 2023
En un paso trascendental hacia un futuro sostenible, la Unión Europea (UE) ha ampliado significativamente sus objetivos en minería y reciclaje, y ha añadido el aluminio a la lista de materias primas estratégicas. Esta medida refleja el compromiso de Europa con la sostenibilidad y la economía circular. La Ley de Materias Primas Críticas, una pieza
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¡El aluminio: tu aliado perfecto para proyectos de construcción exitosos! Descubre por qué.
Friday, 23 June 2023
Si estás buscando un material versátil y confiable para tus proyectos de construcción, no busques más: el aluminio es la elección ideal. Alueuropa, líder en la industria de la extrusión de aluminio, ofrece soluciones innovadoras que se adaptan a las necesidades de construcción más exigentes. En este artículo, exploraremos las razones por las que el
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What does the future hold for aluminum?
Thursday, 01 June 2023
Aluminum, thanks to its physical properties, being a 100 percent recyclable metal, conquers various industries. That is why we can find it in cars, airplanes, buildings and even in furniture. Recycled aluminum is the second most used metal in the world by the industrial sector and is a key material for the sustainable future of the world.
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Green Aluminum: A sustainable approach for a brighter future
Thursday, 25 May 2023
Introduction: In a world increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, green aluminum has emerged as a responsible alternative in the aluminum extrusion industry. This approach seeks to reduce environmental impact and promote resource conservation through more efficient production practices and the promotion of recycling. At
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Boston company makes hydrogen from scrap aluminum
Tuesday, 07 March 2023
Found Energy, based in Boston, has succeeded in producing 2 kW of continuous thermal power from hydrogen in an experimental reactor that uses 1 kg of aluminum scrap as a fuel source. The scrap is treated with
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U.S. to impose 200% tariff on Russian aluminum
Wednesday, 01 March 2023
The United States will impose a 200% tariff on imports of products manufactured with Russian aluminum or smelted in Russia, a measure that could have repercussions on global supply chains. This could also affect overseas manufacturers exporting to the U.S., as their equipment would not be able to be fitted with
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Rising demand for aluminum, slowing production
Monday, 27 February 2023
The good forecasts in the Asian country are also being reflected in the real estate market. This past Monday, February 20, it was known that new home sales in 16 Chinese cities rose for the third consecutive week, according to a private survey. The reopening of China's infrastructure and the policy of support for real estate, boosting
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Wood, copper, aluminum, glass...: domestic renovations already 30% more expensive
Thursday, 25 August 2022
A bricklayer working on the renovation of a facade. Europa Press The price of home renovations has been rising for more than a year. The pandemic caused a turnaround in the price of raw materials and materials used in the construction sector. It also boosted demand. But the war in Ukraine and the context
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